Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Passion for Life

 A passion for something, it is the one thing in life that we all hope for. A passion for something, its like the wind blowing in your tiny round head and it swirls around until you figure it out. What is that wind whispering to you? Dance until you figure it out, that dance of odd scarcities in life. The scarcities in life that so many foolishly dont listen to, that passion, that one driving force that is whispering, no shouting in your tiny little head until finally through your eyes so many still see it coming through as if..... as if it was the one thing you were born to do. Passion, what is that amazing, sparkle in your eye saying to you..... and live it.....dont be is the one thing of many wonderful things you were born to do..............................
      Its so important to remember to to be passionate about life...  what you do, what you want, who you want to be, and even who your kids want to be!  Dont forget your passions!

 Have a happy passionate week and think about what your driving force is! Namaste

Apple core

Something about creating the perfect balance of a wonderful life through the crazy of having 4 kids, an awesome hubby, a perfect home, and centering on every level spiritually, mentally and physically, and keeping it all together is romantic yet crazy... i try and succeed, try, and fail.... but honestly keeping it simple to the core and moving to the future and living in the moment is as simple and sweet as an apple, yet hard to the core.... everyday is a new day and i am loving every minute traveling this crazy road of a housewife, yoga mama, fitness crazed, zenhappy, mama who is trying every day to become a better person and be happy...wanting to help others find that too...especially my own kids... this is my new blog...and its apple to the core...peace out....